[Rule-list] Re: [Rule-list] About browsers for RULE

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 19 03:30:48 EET 2002

Hi all.

I'd just like to comment on Netscape 4.8, Skipstone, Phoenix & Mozilla.

>From my own unofficial tests, Phoenix doesn't load web pages very quickly. I 
don't understand why that is. Maybe it's different for you all. If I recall 
correctly, it uses XUL, which doesn't affect how quickly pages download.

Skipstone doesn't seem to speed up either. It uses GT widgets or something 
like that. I just remember that they wanted to use widgets that are already 
being used throughout the system. This certainly helps the menus to show up 
much more quickly, but other than that, I don't know how much it helps.

I think the browsing speed is affected by Mozilla's internal code and/or 

Netscape 4.* allows you to set your tcp buffer size to 31744. I'm sure that 
that makes it *much* faster than anything Mozilla can do.

How did all of you get Phoenix to work so fast. What do you mean by "fast"? 
Can you get it to load up www.slashdot.org just as quickly as Netscape 4.8?

I am running a Pentium 180 with 64 MB RAM on Gentoo.

Sincerely, and with thanks,
Eugene T.S. Wong

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