[Rule-list] Re: [Rule-list] About browsers for RULE

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Mon Nov 18 15:53:37 EET 2002

Liam wrote:
> He says that as Galeon requires GNOME libraries as well as the Gecko 
> Mozilla engine, it will be too big and slow for a really low-end 
> machine. This has put me off trying so far.
Yes I agree.

> However, the Dillo browser looks good for a REALLY thin web client:
> http://dillo.cipsga.org.br/

Yes again (it seems to start even before you type enter...) but:
1) does it support Javascript
2) I wrote to the developers two or three times, mentioning RULE and
   asking any feedback, months ago. No feedback yet. Oh, who cares,
   source is good...
3) Does it support Javascript? see below

> Also, there's an "official" thin Mozilla coming along: Phoenix.

Yes again, including the unstable issue. I think I'm going to put online
a "web browser use cases" table which lists user profiles, and then for
each profile gives name, RPM, etc.. of one, max two STABLE browsers
doing it. Something like:

1) Plain static HTML 4.0, text, no frames   ???
2) " "    "        "        "   frames      ???
3) Graphic browsing, no JavaScript          ???
4) "         "       JavaScript             ???
5) "         "       Flash support          What are you still doing
                                            on the RULE website :-) ??

What do you think? Feel free to add lines, suggest candidates, etc..
Again, let's leave unstable projects become stable by themselves, we
are already having an hard time to get RULE proper going...

             Marco Fioretti

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