[Rule-list] ANNOUNCE: the web site is born again!

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Sun Nov 17 13:17:45 EET 2002

Hello everybody!

I am happy to finally announce that the RULE project
 web site has been finally rewritten to support
multiple languages, and searchable databases of:

    * efficient applications for ANY Linux/Unix distribution
    * PCs on which RULE has been installed
    * Project news

The new English home page is: http://www.rule-project.org/en/

Guidelines for contributions and/or translations to other languages
are available at: http://www.rule-project.org/en/contrib_www.php

Errors, dead links and contributions should be submitted to
rule at rule-project.org

I have also added the RULE statement about RH dropping i386 kernels.
I'll post it to all RH lists and newsgroups monday evening, but before
that (i.e before also making the "new look" public as well) I do need your
help to:

proofread everything, and signal dead links, spelling errors
and what not

suggest any change you think needed to db and web site structure

redraw and submit the chosen logo?
signal other applications for the database. I will add a form for
entries asap. In the meantime, just look at what fields there are, and
send an email with those entries to rule at rule-project.org, with the
 subject: RULE SW DB: <app_name>

Thanks a lot for your patience (I know I've been saying I'd do this
for months...) and, in advance, for all your help from now on.
Consider that with a PHP/MySQL structure in place we can add and
modify material much more easily and faster now, so don't hesitate
with contributions!

		Marco Fioretti

Rule Project HOME PAGE:  http://www.rule-project.org/rule/
Rule Development Site:   http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/rule/
Rule-list at nongnu.org

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