[Rule-list] Red Hat No Longer Supports 486

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 3 01:26:06 EET 2002

>From: Michael Fratoni <mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net>
>That pretty much defines slinky. Little in the way of choices during
>install. You get a default base setup, plus option additional package

Maybe there is another way to promote RULE. I think that someone brought it 
up already. On the website it might be helpful to say that they can install 
a base install of RH, then remove files & binaries a little at time, so that 
they can get a feel for how important certain files are.

A while ago, when I read about LinuxFromScratch, I found myself still 
wanting to know more about certain files and details. If there was a 
tutorial or a walk through that explained the value of certain directories, 
then people might be more inclined to learn about Linux. The 
LinuxFromScratch HowTo explains what is needed from install to reboot. The 
HowTo/tutorial that I'm thinking of would explains things from the other way 
around; it will show users what happens when you remove files.

One advantage that this will have over LinuxFromScratch is that it will not 
require a compiler, & we can give an exact minimum amount of required disk 

> > Maybe the README or rpm info should mention why the software was
> > created in the first place.
>I'd agree that it would be useful to include a list of available packages,
>what they do, what they don't and why a user might want to try them.
>I hereby nominate Eugene to write the above detailed descriptions. ;)

Oh, no. You misunderstand. I just wanted to complain & grumble about it. I 
didn't actually intend to do something about it. ;^)

Seriously, though. Maybe it would be worth doing something in the near 
future. Because I don't have as much expertise as others, I would only be 
able to get things started.

Sincerely, and with thanks,
Eugene T.S. Wong

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