[Rule-list] Red Hat No Longer Supports 486

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 2 03:13:26 EET 2002

>From: Michael Fratoni <mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net>
>I don't know about that, I like multiple options. If I wanted an OS that
>decided what software I should use, I'd run MS Windows...
>I think I'd prefer the many options of open source. ;)

A-a-ah, yes. Eugene hates options & choice! ;^P

Okay, let me rephrase. I want tons of options. I want more than there are 
available now.

However, I wish that those options would explain why they are advantageous 
over the others. In other words, I need more info, or else, give me a 
default install that "just works".

Maybe the README or rpm info should mention why the software was created in 
the first place.

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