[Rule-list] Telling charities about RULE

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Fri Oct 25 02:04:57 EEST 2002

On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 19:17:41 at 07:17:41PM -0700, Oisin C. Feeley wrote:
> Also CDs could be shipped internationally to countries that need them at a 
> fairly reasonable price.  Perhaps investigating the actual hardware base 
> available to people in other countries would be a good idea.  I could ask 
> some of the charities in L.A. that are involved in shipping older machines 
> to Latin America if that would be useful?

Oisin, and all others

PLEASE do that!! There are already members of similar organizations
who follow RULE through digest subscriptions, and I'd really like to
contact and help more of them: please look in the list archives
(feb/mar 2002) for some reports of this, and a description of the
inputs we need to help them.

Of course, tell them they are encouraged to contact me off list for
any question, and/or ask here or to me privately how to proceed if you
have any doubt, but the more you spread the word the better!

		Marco Fioretti 

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