[Rule-list] ANNOUNCE: new website partially up

Martin Stricker shugal at gmx.de
Tue Oct 8 22:05:56 EEST 2002

Marco Fioretti wrote:

> I have started to prepare a dynamic site, with a structure (which was
> discussed, more or less, on the rule-www list before summer) which
> should allow easy deployment and maintenance,even of versions in
> other languages.

Speaking of other languages: If I ever get to translating some RULE web
pages into German, which text format should I use? Sounds like plain
text, anything special?

Best regards,
Martin Stricker
Homepage: http://www.martin-stricker.de/
Linux Migration Project: http://www.linux-migration.org/
Red Hat Linux 7.3 for low memory: http://www.rule-project.org/
Registered Linux user #210635: http://counter.li.org/

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