[Rule-list] Request for font and Nepali support

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Wed Sep 25 21:01:00 EEST 2002


I have been evangelizing RULE and searching for partners/end users
quite a lot in the last weeks. One of the most interesting projects is
the Ganesha project for Nepal schools
(http://www.ganeshas-project.org). Excerpt from their answer below.

Please post here any feedback, since at least the font issue (and
internationalization in general) are general issues.

		Marco Fioretti

>Hi Marco,
>I read through your website, and yes indeed, I'm sure you can help us
>a lot.
>Our School network, that we use to teach the kids, runs on linux and
>since we are not the absolut Cracks and use outdated hardware, quite a
>lot of problems come up every now and then.
>We are actually searching for a lot of Support in the worldwide Linux
>community... and also did we allready get quite a bit of support.
>I also noted that the RULE Project also gets involved in the
>development of Fonts. We still need a Nepali (Hindi) font (really
>badly) for our Nepali Projects.
>It would be great if you know of such an existing font, or if you
>could help us develop such a font for Linux.


Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that
you do it. -- Gandhi

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