[Rule-list] RH72, 73 install on loop device?

Molbo molbo at inbox.ru
Mon Aug 12 17:49:31 EEST 2002

The Problem is: I have CD writer at work and I want to make Cd based
 linux to use it at work and some where else, but it is not my private
 computer and I can't and won't re-partition  hdd (or put my own in
 to desc) work machine have vfat partitions(is windows based).
 I want make a ~1G file on one of vfat partitions, losetup them,
 mkfs.ext2 on loop and make standart installation on this loop
 (with help of anaconda or somthing else)
 how must I modify anaconda(and where)
 to force anaconda accept this loop as a normapl ext2 formatted
 partition?(this python code is too big for I)

 Or may this problem be decided some another way?

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