[Rule-list] Slinky questions

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Fri Aug 9 01:00:27 EEST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 08 August 2002 05:35 pm, Ed Blackman wrote:

> > The binaries are linked against uClibc, a very small implimentation
> > of libc.  http://www.uclibc.org/uClibc.html
> Dang!  I was going to suggest that, and you go and implement it months
> beforehand.  <grin>

Once in a while, I do the "right thing" ;)

> I guess the most frustration on my part comes from not being able to
> use data structures (lists, associative arrays, etc).  For example, in
> the partitioning and formatting code, there are a lot of "invoke fdisk
> -l and parse the output" calls.  It would be cleaner to have all that
> information gathered in one place, so that any code that needed a
> piece of that information could just retrieve it.  But that's nearly
> impossible to do in shell script, since you'd have to stuff
> hierarchical information ("There are two disks on the system, hda and
> hdb. hda has two linux partitions, hda1 and hda5.  hda1 has 664312
> blocks, is a regular linux partition, and should be formatted ext2
> ...") down to a flat string.

I agree, it is a pain. If you've looked at the scripts, you've probably 
seen my comments about how ugly the current solution is.

> No, a real language, albeit a small one.  One possibility, Lua
> (http://www.lua.org), is 77k statically linked.

Hrmm, I'll have a look. The space for it may exist, I'll check.

> > I use a set of scripts to automate the build process.
> Are they available somewhere?  I looked around on the project web page
> and couldn't find anything.  If not, would you mind sharing them?

Hrmm, I thought I had uploaded them at some point, but you are right. I 
don't see them anywhere. I know I posted them to this list at some point, 
in answer to a question.

I'll upload them later tonight.

- -- 
- -Michael

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