[Rule-list] About the X-less install option

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Wed Jul 31 06:45:44 EEST 2002

Martin Stricker wrote:

<dream>I want a "X-less" install option, which for example will
automatically alias emacs to emacs -nw.</dream>

This option is something we discussed in the first month of the project,
isn't it?

The alias should be added by the post install script, which could also
(in this case) remove X rpms. Of course, it is really dirty to install
several megs of stuff just to fool a badly packaged tool, but what can
we do? (short of maintaining our version, I mean)?

Actually, at least until RH 5.2, they provided emacs-nox, which is
exactly what Martin misses. How hard would it be to repackage it

		Marco Fioretti
"If automobiles had followed the same development cycle as the
computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million
miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone
inside." --Robert Cringley

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