[Rule-list] Re: openvt in bashrc

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 20 21:45:18 EEST 2002

From: "chris clark" <clarkcd at myrealbox.com>
>I think that putting openvt in bashrc will cause a new vt to be created 
>each time a terminal window is opened in X.
>If this is true, it might be a bad thing.

Also, I forgot to suggest, maybe an if-statement that checked to see which 
vt was being opened, would help prevent the recursive nature of openvt in 
bashrc being executed each time. I hope that makes sense.

But I like the other idea that you mentioned in the other thread about 
logging in almost immediately after power up. There is a chance there for 
people to choose which kernel is being used, so it's much more logical to 
allow different people to login at that time.

Sincerely, and with thanks,
Eugene T.S. Wong

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