[Rule-list] Miniconda-0.7.4 and hard drive image installs

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Tue Jun 4 08:30:06 EEST 2002

On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 23:38:22 at 11:38:22PM -0400, Michael Fratoni wrote:
> Since I've heard nothing either way, has anyone tried either of the latest 
> slinky or miniconda installers with the 7.3 release?

I didn't yet because have several works to finish whcih need an
already tested environment first. Hope to pgrade next weekend, and
then will also start playing with 7.3 stuff.

		Marco Fioretti

I doni ricevuti dal Padreterno, servono se utilizzati: chi li contempla
gode, ma chi ne fa uso probabilmente aiuta altri a godere.

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