[Rule-list] network.opts

Joe Sprankle joes at primarycolor.com
Mon Jun 3 20:52:21 EEST 2002

I've been silently reading this list for some time now, I love the project.
I paln on in the future getting a local Goodwill computer store to start
loading rule on pc's they currently sell with no os, they get tons of
donations from corporations that wipe the hd clean. I don't have any spare
time as of present but I will someday.....

I want to load rule on a couple old laptops. I have ran RedHat on my main
laptop and uninstalled it because I couldn't find out how to get a pcmcia
nic card configured. Every distro I've used has contained a
/etc/pcmcia/network.opts file for this config, I couldn't find an answer,
tried google,#redhat room on irc, and couldn't get an answer.

I know this a little off subject but I really don't want to load these
laptops in I can't get the networking working.

any ideas?

Windows:  A 32 bit shell for a 16 bit operating system, originally written
for an 8 bit processor on a 4 bit bus by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1
bit of competition!

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