[Rule-list] 486 ftp install complete!

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Sun May 26 08:23:37 EEST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 26 May 2002 12:51 am, Eugene Wong wrote:
> From: Michael Fratoni <mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net>
> <snip>
> >...I'd be interested to see the output of 'rpm -Va > depchk.out'
> >While the machine may boot, you might find some
> >problems via the above command.
> I found the computer almost seemed to stop running that program without
> returning to the command line. Perhaps it was so busy but didn't need
> to use the disk much. I'll try and get the results to you later on. I
> already stopped it, thinking that there was something wrong. Also, I
> only want to make the smaller list for during the installation, which
> you probably just figured out in my previous email.

It will take a while to run, during which there will be no output. I think 
it took about 10 minutes on my 486 laptop. Once you get the machine up 
and running, you can mail me the file created by that command.

Wait until you have the complete install done. I'm not as worried about 
rpm problems for the temporary system. Then again, I'm not entirely sure 
what you are trying to do. The boot disk should contain enough 
functionality to accomplish the install. (The next version of the 
installer will also allow you to install from rpms on a hard drive, as 

> >Did you download the ne.o module for the new kernel?
> No, I didn't give that idea much consideration. I just tried it, and it
> didn't work. I was trying the Slinky 0.2.5 that is for RH7.2, not 7.3.
> The problem is that there is a segmentation fault.

Yup, there would be a seg fault. I had the same problem here until I used 
the right module.

> >It occurs to me that I didn't update the modules on disk2 for the
> >new kernel. It will be fixed in the next release.
> Cool!

Already updated in my local filesystem so it doesn't get forgotten. When I 
generate new images, the correct modules should be included.

Currently, I am adding multiple cd support to the scripts, as well as 
doing a lot of script cleanup. Once that's done, I'll post the new 

- -- 
- -Michael

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Red Hat Linux 7.2 in 8M of RAM: http://www.rule-project.org/
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