[Rule-list] Suggestions from Linux Guru

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Sat May 18 12:59:55 EEST 2002

after Geoff's message yesterday, I contacted Alan Cox directly.
Following is his answer:

>> I wanted to ask if you already knew about the GPL RULE project,
>> [snip]
>I didn't know about it. Interesting. I've been tackling the small box 
>install a different way (ftp.linux.org.uk:/pub/linux/alan/ has a program
>in it called sysgen, which generates installed file system images on
>another box).
>Graphically I've been using xfce, sylpheed and rox

The sysgen program is in the "install" subdirectory.

		Marco Fioretti

Needs are a function of what other people have.

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