[Rule-list] RULE and K12LTSP

Geoff Burling llywrch at agora.rdrop.com
Thu May 16 22:22:14 EEST 2002

I happened to see Eric Harrison at a talk last night, who has
been busy with his day job dealing with the MS audit of public
school systems, & his after-hours job of promoting K12LTSP.

I didn't remember Marco's request correctly, but in talking to
him about RULE, he mentioned that a well-known Linux figure
asked him that morning (Thursday) about ways to get a desktop
system to work in 32MB or less of RAM: Alan Cox.

Alan apparently wants to get not only the install down, but
also X & various applications running in this footprint. Which
sounds identical to RULE's goals.

BTW, it turns out Eric forgot about my earlier plug for RULE.
I guess I'm just not cut out to be a salesman. :(


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