[Rule-list] Moving to Valhalla?

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Wed May 15 00:55:54 EEST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 14 May 2002 04:00 am, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
> Hi, all!
> Michael, in the near future will RULE stick with 7.2 or does it make
> sense to modify the package lists in order to use 7.3 now that it's
> out? Given the roughly-six-month release cycle, I'd guess that moving
> to 7.3 makes sense. But then, I'm pretty much still a newbie and may be
> underestimating the challenge involved.
> What do you think?

I'm planning on working with both Enigma and Valhalla for the time being. 
It really isn't any more work on my end, and we do need to keep up with 
the development cycle as much as possible. For me it just means having 2 
build trees, which isn't a problem.
I've already done a clean install of Valhalla on my devel machine, and 
restored all the rule devel files. I just need another evening or two to 
get everything reconfigured, and learn a bit more about the new packages. 

Once that's done, I'll start working on getting the latest anaconda source 
patched, and we'll be back in business. ;)
- -- 
- -Michael

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