[Rule-list] Moving to Valhalla?

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Tue May 14 18:05:29 EEST 2002


I have been thinking to the same thing for same days now. We should
probably wait until:

1) Valhalla (as all new products) get some time to stabilize itself,
   so we focus on rule specific issue, whatever target distro is used
   ( I say this thinking to RH 7.2 which would not see the CDROM for
    some stupid bug)

2) We (the majority of the active list members) have had time to switch
   to it ourselves, it doesn't make sense talk and study something you
   have never touched yourself (OK, astronomy is another matter....)

Said this, I am quite sure that RULE should follow (with reasonable
time schedule) the current stable distro (or, worst case, the one
before. If not, it would become just another of those products which,as
the FAQ says, we didn't consider because we want modern software. Of
course, in the long run this will force us too to let go the computers
we are targeting today, but one thing at a time, right?

		Marco Fioretti
		RULE project leader

> Hi, all!
> Michael, in the near future will RULE stick with 7.2 or does it make sense 
> to modify the package lists in order to use 7.3 now that it's out? Given 
> the roughly-six-month release cycle, I'd guess that moving to 7.3 makes 
> sense. But then, I'm pretty much still a newbie and may be underestimating 
> the challenge involved.
> What do you think?
> -- 
> Rodolfo J. Paiz
> rpaiz at indahaus.com
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