[Rule-list] 486 slinky: not all rpms installed

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Wed May 8 15:34:18 EEST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 08 May 2002 04:11 am, Eugene Wong wrote:
> Hi Michael and all.
> It appears that I finally got things working for the most part. Slinky
> seems to work okay, up to the point where it begins to install rpms.
> There seem to be many rpms that don't install at all. Others seem to
> install okay. Is it possible that some rpms listed in the install disks
> don't actually exist on a particular mirror, while some do exist on
> that same mirror?

I suppose it is possible. You should be installing from the directory 
containing rpms from the initial release. I'd imagine that directory on 
any mirror should be the same and contain the entire distro.

The log left as /root/install_log when the install is complete should 
have details about the rpm install process and what went wrong.
You can view it from vt2 before rebooting, or after rebooting, as long as 
enough rpms installed to let the system boot.

- -- 
- -Michael

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- --
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