[Rule-list] 486 not 386

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Sun May 5 10:00:14 EEST 2002

Part 2

>From: Michael Fratoni <mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net>
>The log file you sent me ended at the point where you selected the ftp
>install option. Did you end the install?


>Did the installer stop logging?

It definitely didn't with that copy, but under normal circumstances, I don't 

>...at the point when it asks for disk2, the log will be in

A-a-a-ah. *That's where it is! Alright, I'll try *again*. I'll send it to 
you in a seperate email. I just wanted to respond to this a.s.a.p.

>if you can get me a log containing the ftp options
>used, it would be a great help.

For ftp options, I don't know of any except for the IP address and 
directory. I try my best.

<snip: changes to come>

How do we change files and make them permanent? If there is no real way, 
then could I recommend that you make a lot of configurable stuff available 
on disk2.* ? This way we [especially me :^) ] don't have to keep changing 
the info as we try things over and over again. I usually do everything over 
dhcp so I'm kind new at this.

If you could have a name server in the file for those of us who can't think 
of anything off hand, that would be great. This doesn't have to be 
permanent. I only want something for during the testing phase.

In summary:
- nameserver already edited in
- script to insert our favourite modules and get network setup [see below]

Sincerely, and with thanks,
Eugene T.S. Wong

#insert whatever you need and customize

insmod /mnt/floppy/modules/whatever/directory/my_favorite_module.o
ifconfig lo
ifconfig eth0 netmask
route add default gw

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