[Rule-list] 486 not 386

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Sun May 5 09:43:44 EEST 2002

This is getting a bit frustrating because I usually use a Dvorak keyboard 
layout, and the vi editor is very unintuitive. I'll need a lot of specific 
instructions to save me typing.

Part 1

>From: Michael Fratoni <mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net>
>Try booting the installer bootdisk, and bring up the network. Use
>route to add the default gateway,


>and enter:
>Let's see if we can ping a host that I know should respond.

Done, but it doesn't get a response. The error I get for anything except 
itself is, "No response from <whatever IP address>". I had to setup the 
loopback adapter for it to ping itself. Is this normal for everybody?

Also, the Rule computer couldn't even ping the computer sitting right next 
to it. I using this computer, connected to the Internet, as I type.

This computer can ping this computer and Rule computer.
Rule computer can ping Rule computer and nothing else.

>The installer is probably working, but your network connection isn't. The
>installer can't install files it can't access. :)
>If you are unable to ping an external address, then an install from an
>external http or ftp server isn't going to work.

Yes, I am aware of that. Thank you. :-) Be careful with what you say about 
the installer, though. Even though I can't ping out, I still see the 
installer say,

No response from <whatever IP address>

I'm sure that we both know what it's talking about, but it does appear to be 
confusing to a newbie.

...more to come...

Sincerely, and with thanks,
Eugene T.S. Wong

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