[Rule-list] 486 not 386

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Sun May 5 00:12:48 EEST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 04 May 2002 03:10 pm, Eugene Wong wrote:
> Hi all.
> Just want to point out that after looking at the install log, I
> realized that I am using a 486 cpu instead of a 386 cpu as I have
> thought. I hope that I didn't disappoint anybody.
> It turns out that I had a 386 in here before, but switched mother
> boards with another old computer, and then had forgotten about it. I'd
> be willing to try out the 386 but it would be useless to try, because
> we can't even get the 486 working.

Try booting the installer bootdisk, and bring up the network. Use route 
to add the default gateway, and enter:
Let's see if we can ping a host that I know should respond.

The installer is probably working, but your network connection isn't. The 
installer can't install files it can't access. :)
If you are unable to ping an external address, then an install from an 
external http or ftp server isn't going to work. 

The log file you sent me ended at the point where you selected the ftp 
install option. Did you end the install? Did the installer stop logging? 
Unfortunately, there isn't enough output to tell me anything. If you 
could try again, and (assuming it isn't working) kill the install script 
at the point when it asks for disk2, the log will be in 
/newroot/root/scripts. if you can get me a log containing the ftp options 
used, it would be a great help. 

Let me know how it goes, please?

I'll have new images later today for testing as well.

Changes include:
The resolver is now working, so host names will resolve for doing http 
and ftp installs. The user will need to edit /etc/resolv.conf and insert 
the address of a nameserver.

NFS is working, I'm currently adding the nfs option to the installer 
scripts. So far, I've managed to load the modules, and mount an NFS 
exported filesystem containing the rpm files. Since I've never used NFS 
before today, that was the major part of the battle.

I also added code as Eugene suggested, to make sure the user is starting 
the installer from the proper directory.

The latest official busybox and uClibc releases are included as well.

- -- 
- -Michael

pgp key:  http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/gpgkey.txt
Red Hat Linux 7.2 in 8M of RAM: http://www.rule-project.org/
- --
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