[Rule-list] Network install not working

Gordon Buzowetsky idesofmarch at sk.sympatico.ca
Sat May 4 21:57:11 EEST 2002

Hi Glen....not necessarily your cdrom....could even be bad ram.....I've 
done a few slinky installs with just about exactly the same 
setup.....Read thru March's archives; near the end; we finally got the 
thing to work real good.   Check the threads with 'sbpcd', and 'insmod 
anyone' that was mostly me and Micheal.....a lot of playing around but 
Micheal (Devon) got the issue straightened out....problem was module 
loading for the cdrom....


Glen Lee Edwards wrote:

>I have an old 486-66 with 16 meg ram I use that I need to update to 7.2 if
>possible.  It keeps getting hacked from someone in Romania with the following
>email addresses:
>singurSAD at millennium.ro
>pakatosu at millennium.ro
>Apparently I can't do a local install.  I downloaded the images off the 'net.
>My old Soundblaster Pro CDRom keeps failing part way through the install.  I'm
>assuming that it's having a hard time reading the CDs I burnt.
>I was able to do a successful network install of 6.2.  But when I try it with
>7.2 with the CD in a CD-Writer, it gets to the place where it tries to run
>Anaconda, and goes no further:
>Running anaconda - please wait...
>I let it go overnight, thinking maybe it just takes time to run, but 7 hours
>later it had the same message.  I'm using minicom with udates_v0.7.3.img.
>I need this box to install 7.2, so any help you can provide will be appreciated!
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