[Rule-list] Slinky 0.2.2 [was Re: getting network up with slinky 0.2.1]

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at indahaus.com
Sat May 4 18:19:13 EEST 2002

At 5/3/2002 01:57 PM -0700, you wrote:
>A suggestion: for /etc/fstab I'd like to recommend that you insert the 
>following line:
>/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto defaults 0 0
>I personally prefer to use:
>/dev/fd0 /mnt/fd0 auto defaults 0 0
>because it allows me to get in the habit of typing "fd0". It also works 
>out well for people who have more than one floppy. I only have one, but 
>still. The only people who won't like it, probably are people who are used 
>to "floppy" and/or newbies. I'm not going to press the issue though, 
>because it's only an install disk. I can always change it later on the 
>installed system.

Although a few people do have two floppies, in the last five years I've 
seen only two (2) computers with such a configuration. Since "floppy" is 
already customary, and more newbie-friendly, and since one could trivially 
make a symlink from /mnt/fd0 to /mnt/floppy, IMHO I'd keep the standard 
configuration for the install.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at indahaus.com

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