[Rule-list] RULE and K12LTSP

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Fri May 3 11:59:39 EEST 2002

Joachim wrote:

> Of interest might be this passage: "Paul Nelson, a teacher at Riverdale, and 
> Eric Harrison with Multnomah ESD have developed a thin-client software 
> called K12LTSP that runs Linux. In the last nine months, they've distributed 
> the software to 5,000 schools."
> Is that along the lines of what Michael and the others are trying to do?


thanks for the link.

I already had it, and also have in my TODO list to contact them asap,
to offer cooperation. However, K12LTSP and RULE are not overlapping,

The first is an excellent project too, but based on the assumption
that whoever has some old PCs to resurrect ALSO has a powerful SERVER,
a network, etc...

That's OK in (most) western world schools (**), but fails when the
1995 Pentium/486 is the MOST powerful machine available, or in SOHO
contexts where it's the ONLY one...

Another point that RULE addresses, and K12LTSP not (AFAICT) is the
root of the problem: we don't say "allright, SW is bloated hence let's
buy a new PC and connect it to the old ones", we say "let's  choose
and repackage all and only the SW so efficient that it still works on
an old stand alone PC".

Said this, I still wish K12LTSP all the success, and do plan to contact
them, and see what we can learn and exchange.

At the very minimum, a RULE server should be able some day to be the
SERVER from which thin client can boot, but one thing at a time.

		Marco Fioretti
		RULE project leader

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