[Rule-list] Download difficulty

Martin Stricker shugal at gmx.de
Mon Apr 29 23:07:50 EEST 2002

Michael Fratoni wrote:

> If a few of you could try downloading from both sites, I'd appreciate
> it.

I'm using GetRight 4.2c on a Win2k box (which was just sitting around
doing nothing but seti at home) with 56k dial-in connection.

> http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/rule/miniconda/miniconda-v0.7.3/

This one worked fine.

> http://freesoftware.fsf.org/download/rule/miniconda/miniconda-v0.7.3/

That one worked fine, too. BTW I never had download difficulties,
neither from work nor from home, but lots of bad floppies...

> The downloaded .img files should have a size of 1.4M (1474560)

One suggestion: Could you add MD5SUM files to both servers? Would make
it easier to verify downloads even if they have the same size.

Best regards,
Martin Stricker
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