[Rule-list] swapon /swap

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 18 05:44:52 EEST 2002

>From: Martin Stricker <shugal at gmx.de>
> > Eugene asked:
> > What would you guys think of creating swap files during installation
> > and then removing them after completion? I hope that this hasn't been
> > discussed yet, because I don't want to waste your time.
>Use a swap partition. It's faster, and it can be used for swap with no
>changes in the installed system. Slinky will guide you through the
>necessary steps (it *requires* a swap partition). Make it at least 32

I think that I made a mistake in explaining myself. If I made a swap 
partition of 32 MB, wouldn't it be good to make use of the unused space on 
the root partition, by having a script create swap files? 32 MB + swap file 
space might help the installation along. Or do I misunderstand?

>I'm *really* interested how a slinky install performs on you system (how
>long do the individual steps take?) since it's the very first i386 I
>hear of trying to get RULE installed.

I'll keep you guys posted. My aim would be to surf the Internet with 
Netscape 4.7* and have a word processor. I'll probably end up using emacs or 
something. Bear in mind, however, that I'll be installing through ftp, which 
*really* *really* slows things down.

Sincerely, and with thanks,
Eugene T.S. Wong

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