[Rule-list] Introduction

Geoff Burling llywrch at agora.rdrop.com
Tue Apr 16 20:36:21 EEST 2002

Hello --

After about a month of lurking, I felt it was time to introduce myself
to the list. My interest in RULE is not only to keep the promise alive
that Linux will run ``on all sorts of old hardware", but to use it as a
test-bed for developing light-weight Window Managers.

I'm also a part-time contributor to the AfterStep WM project, which meets
many of the criteria that Marco set out in his email not too long ago.
I've been putting Slinky-0.1.9a thru some tests on an old 486 I have, &
have found some interesting bugs -- but due to what I suspect are
hardware problems, I'm not sure if I should report them just yet.
(Before I was laid off last year, I worked as a software QA engineer,
so I hope none of you mind the odd way I do things.)

(These same hardware problems are keeping me from building an rpm of
the latest AfterStep release, 1.8.11, which came out at the beginning
of April.)

I'm looking forward to helping out on RULE.


Rule Project HOME PAGE:  http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/rule/
Rule Development Site:   http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/rule/
Rule-list at mail.freesoftware.fsf.org

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