[Rule-list] rule database

Martin Stricker shugal at gmx.de
Sun Apr 14 02:38:11 EEST 2002

hairylarry at deltaboogie.com wrote:

> With the dataminer interface to the sql tables that I am currently
> testing apostrophes can cause an error. This is fairly easily fixed
> but until then avoid using apostrophes in your data. Evidently mysql
> is parsing them as single quotes and it's screwing up the syntax.

s/'/''/g # replace all apostrophs with double apostrophs
In SQL apostrophs are escaped with an additional apostroph. Any software
dealing with SQL should take care of it, or it's crap.

> DataMiner is used for the user interface. It provides a browse screen,
> an edit screen, and a view screen, ready to print. There is no
> configuration required with dataminer for new tables or field names.
> For each table I install another copy and change the table name.
> That's it. Accessing multiple tables is top on his development
> schedule so in the future we may avoid even that step.

So DataMiner isn't very useful. :-(

> I think we can use apache http post authentication. That is restrict
> post access to validated users in the /apps directory tree.

Sounds good. Also, the user who last changed the record should be stored
in the record along with the change timestamp (visible only to validated

Best regards,
Martin Stricker
Homepage: http://www.martin-stricker.de/
Science Fiction Club Deutschland e. V.: http://www.sfcd-online.de/
Red Hat Linux 7.2 for low memory: http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/rule/
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