[Rule-list] LOGO page corrected

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at indahaus.com
Thu Apr 11 00:54:43 EEST 2002

At 4/10/2002 11:31 PM +0200, you wrote:
>Done (shame on me :-( ...), and also added the penguin on a turtle
>concept. Please all, there are only half of the proposal with some
>graphic attached: do like me, i.e. find somebody close able to hold a
>pencil without hurting himself and nag him to produce some sketch...

Despite the lack of logo, I find myself much impressed with the creativity 
and portability of a traditional Tux and a racing turtle, perhaps with an 
old-style racing helmet and goggles for one or both. I vote for that idea, 
and then (if the end vote agrees) we can hold a contest for the best 
rendition of the idea.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at indahaus.com

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