[Rule-list] gentoo linux and nano

Devon devon at tuxfan.homeip.net
Mon Apr 8 06:04:32 EEST 2002

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On Sunday 07 April 2002 11:51 am, hairylarry at deltaboogie.com wrote:

> I was reading this article on k5.
> http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2002/4/4/202113/7370
> About installing with gentoo. Very interesting. Much like slinky.

I believe that Slinky is far and away easier to install than Gentoo.
But, yes, the install does seem similar to a point.

> "A word of caution; get in the habit of always using the -w switch with
> nano. If you do not use the -w switch nano's word wrap feature will
> jack up your config files."
> Something we need to highlight.

For what it's worth, 'pico' behaves the same way. The -w flag disables 
word wrap, otherwise, word wrap is on by default.

I've disabled wordwrap (and enabled the help screens) in nano.
It's a configure option. I left word wrap and the -w flag available for 
mortal users, and disabled it for 'root'. I can also disable it across 
the board. Thoughts anyone?

I'll include the new nano in the next set of images.

By the way in the FYI department:
nano, compiled against uClibc=169k
Against glibc, you ask? 594k

Those are the striped sizes using the same config options, with the 
exception of the glibc path.

- -D

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