Martin Stricker shugal at gmx.de
Sat Apr 6 03:11:14 EEST 2002

Bryon Gill wrote:

> http://www.aduni.org/~bryon/rulelogo_040402.jpg

> The concept is that RULE takes a big but rather plain (grayscale
> in fact) penguin, and makes it smaller and progressively more
> colorful, signifying the ways in which there are different advantages
> to full-size versus minimal linux distributions.  I got the idea when
> thinking about the russian doll concept, with bigger penguins
> splitting in half to reveal smaller ones.  Well, Russian doll penguins
> are beyond my ability to draw :) but I can do progressively smaller
> penguins, and I think this gets the idea across.

I like your idea very much!

> Suggestions and criticisms are welcome

I still think using the Tux logo http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux/
http://lwn.net/Gallery/ (some history http://www.sjbaker.org/tux/) would
be best. I even found a picture which comes close to my first thoughts
when I proposed the matrioshka-penguin idea:
My first idea was something like this:
(sorry, symbolic ASCII graphic only - I don't have any artistic skills)

big Tux bottom            big tux head            big server(mainframe?)
little smaller tux bottom little smaller tux head small server
next                      next                    new PC
next                      next                    new laptop
next                      next                    old PC
              small complete Tux                  old laptop

To combine both ideas, maybe the small Tux can sit on a speeding turtle,
having the old laptop in his wings. As icon I would like the small Tux
on the turtle, or only the speeding turtle.

Best regards,
Martin Stricker
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