[Rule-list] minimum rule install

James james at opencountry.org
Tue Apr 2 07:07:48 EEST 2002

   I'm just waiting to recieve my copy.... Hopefully soon.....


On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 18:35:45 +0100
Marco Fioretti <m.fioretti at inwind.it> wrote and hopefully I read

> On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 00:05:21 at 12:05:21AM -0800, James wrote:
> > Intresting note.  The new Mandrake (yes I know this is an RH
> > *grin*) does a minimal install in 65 megs.  I'd like to compare
> Yes, I knew this, and am really interested in knowing how they did
> Please let us know what you find!
> 	Ciao,
> 		Marco Fioretti
> 		RULE project leader
> -- 
> Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. -- Pablo
> Picasso 
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