[Rule-list] RE: minimum rule install

hairylarry at deltaboogie.com hairylarry at deltaboogie.com
Fri Mar 29 19:48:04 EET 2002


Thanks for all the input on the minimum install concept. I will put 
together a base_packages listing based on these suggestions. Then 
we can test this, see if we took something out we really need or left 
something in we don't. 

As well as not removing dependencies for programs in the minimum 
install we also do not want to remove dependencies required by 
laptop, network, etc. 

I also read about the minimum install for the new Mandrake release. I 
think this validates rule and the need for what we are doing. 
Comparing our minimum install to theirs is a good idea.

After we get our feet on the ground with Redhat, Mandrake would be 
an excellent candidate for rule. We are developing first on Redhat for 
many good reasons but the rule concept is not limited to a single 
distribution. Most of what we learn and post will apply to any linux or 
bsd install.


Hairy Larry

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