[Rule-list] About the web site name

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Fri Mar 29 09:39:17 EET 2002


first answer to all the proposals made about the final domain name, as
explained in my other message I'll catch up in the next 24/36

I had already checked the rule.(org, com, ....) domains and found them

My proposal is www.rule-project.org because:

	we are an organization

	worldrule and similar may be misleading

	as stated in the web page and original announcement,
	   developing linux related sw is the first part of the
           *project*, and then comes the "lobby/support/install"
           part. In other words, I was searching some domain name that
           makes evident that we are not *only* developing some other
	   Linux related thing (***), but also that we have something very
	   defined and important to do with it as soon as it's ready

(***) which, of course, it's still enough reason to do it, since it's
fun, challenging, and useful: RULE will be different things to
different people, but all worthwhile.

Of course, nothing prevents us from reserving also linux-rule and
similar and make them all point to the same master domain.

Must go the office now. See you tonight.

		Marco Fioretti
		RULE project leader

They can't stop us... we're on a mission from God!
                -- The Blues Brothers

Rule Project HOME PAGE:  http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/rule/
Rule Development Site:   http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/rule/ Rule-list at mail.freesoftware.fsf.org

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