[Rule-list] apps database and slinky installer

hairylarry at deltaboogie.com hairylarry at deltaboogie.com
Wed Mar 27 05:41:13 EET 2002


Could we add an EXTRA_PACKAGES file to slinky. Maybe empty or 
maybe with Midnight Commander in it.

This would be the file the apps picker would write. This way selected 
applications wouldn't mess up the app sets selected in slinky. 

Also does slinky ask for disk two if disk two holds the rpm? I think 
slrn, a suggested rule news reader, is on disk two. This would be 
another function for the apps database, to sort all the rpms on disk 2 
to the bottom of the install list like Anaconda does. 

Another suggestion is an option to run a configuration script just 
before reboot. Maybe rulerc.sh. For instance I might want to copy a 
Midnight Commander menu file included on disk 2 onto the hard 

This would provide a way to run custom configuration after package 
installation that would be part of the installation and included in the 
disk 2 image.

Does slinky have the tools to access windows shares? Can I share a 
CD in a windows system on the LAN and mount the RedHat CDs 
from that share?


Hairy Larry

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