[Rule-list] New slinky images, copyright question

Devon devon at tuxfan.homeip.net
Thu Mar 28 03:46:28 EET 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 07:57 pm, Martin Stricker wrote:
> Devon wrote:
> > I've reverted to full file names in the package lists, so the install
> > needs the packages from the official 7.2 release. Including updates
> > will break it. I do however also have lists generated (and a script
> > to automate the list creation process) for a fully updated set of
> > packages.
> Why this step back?

It wasn't because I wanted to, I can tell you that. :)

I'm struggling to come up with a nice easy way to take the package 
basename, and say "OK, find the rpm package with the same base name, and 
install it." This has problems, because all of the different kernel 
packages have the same basename, as do the glibc{i386,i686} packages.
For example, saying install kernel*i386.rpm looks promising, except that 
it will install the kernel, the kernel-headers, and kernel-pcmcia 
packages. The same holds true for similar names. "file" comes to mind, 
which matches file, file-utils, filesystem, rootfiles, audiofile...

When the rpm files are available locally, this is ugly, but fairly easy 
to do. Here's the nasty looking little section of script:

CUT="cut -d "/" -f 6"
RPM_COMMAND="rpm -ivh --nodeps ${RPM_PATH}"
RPM_TEST_COMMAND="rpm -qp --qf "%{NAME}""

for package in `cat /root/scripts/base_packages`
    candidates1=`ls $RPM_PATH$package* | $CUT | grep i386`
    candidates2=`ls $RPM_PATH$package* | $CUT | grep noarch`
    candidates=`echo $candidates1 && echo $candidates2`
    if [ -n "$candidates" ]; then
       for match in `echo $candidates`
          test_match=`"$RPM_TEST_COMMAND" "$match"`
          if [ "$test_match" = "$package" ]; then
             "$RPM_COMMAND" "$match"
             if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
             echo "Error reported while installing $match."
             echo Error reported while installing\
	         $match. >>   /root/scripts/install_log
       echo "OOPS! Failed to locate $package."
       echo Failed to locate $package. >> /root/scripts/install_log

Adding ftp and http support to the script required some additions, which 
still worked fine, but for each package, the installer had to connect to 
the server to run the querry, then connect again to download the matching 
package. It seemed like a lot of added bandwidth, so for the moment, I 
removed it. I do intend to add it back, and if anyone has better ideas on 
how to accomplish this, I'd love to hear them.

Also, to accomplish this, the installer needs a directory listing from 
the server, and the stripped down 'wget' from busybox doesn't create a 
directory listing when pointed at a directory like the full wget does. 
Additionally, you can't say: "rpm -ivh http://{server/path/kernel*" 
You have to supply the full filename.
This means the user would have to obtain a directory listing and copy it 
to the floppy, transfer it, etc. It was getting too complicated.

> Link to the GPL here, I think it's http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/ , but
> I'm not sure.

I'll add that, thank you.

I did include a file called COPYING, with the text of the GPL in the 
directory with the scripts.

- -D

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Red Hat Linux 7.2 in 8M of RAM: http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/rule/

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