[Rule-list] Need for an application database

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at indahaus.com
Sun Mar 24 06:31:20 EET 2002

At 3/20/2002 07:08 AM +0100, you wrote:
>While doing this, however, I have realized something else.
>We badly need an online application database to work on the
>application selection side of the project.

Excellent thought.

>Back to reality: I know how to extract much of the information above
>by automated smart queries of the rpm database, but the savannah web site
>doesn't support PHP/MySQL. Hence, I hereby ask for:
>         some pious soul that can work out the php/mysql code for this:
>         I can do it myself too, but almost anybody else here is likely to 
> do it
>         better than me.

Not I... not enough skills or time yet.

>         another pious soul hosting that database. Eventually we will
>         probably have to migrate the whole site (not the project page) to 
> some host supporting
>         PHP/Mysql, but right now this section would be enough.

I run a webhosting server, and can set up a full RULE site there with 
access to PHP and MySQL. Certainly enough horsepower for us. No problem, no 
hassle, and no time limit; I can keep it around practically forever and 
give it plenty of space and a happy home.

Would http://rule.indahaus.com work for everyone as a name? Indahaus.com is 
my "playing-around" domain, just so we don't have to register a domain. 
However, I could also register "rule.org" as a contribution to the project 
(or other similar/applicable name) if all think it would be useful.

By the way, I really liked both ideas for the logo in some other thread, 
but prefer the Tux with ruler idea as simpler and clearer to people not 
directly involved with us and with no discernible sense of subtlety.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at indahaus.com

Rule Project HOME PAGE:  http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/rule/
Rule Development Site:   http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/rule/ Rule-list at mail.freesoftware.fsf.org

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