[Rule-list] Miniconda, slinky, and other OSes

Devon devon at tuxfan.homeip.net
Tue Mar 26 07:45:38 EET 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 25 March 2002 11:21 pm, Gordon Buzowetsky wrote:

>   But would that enable use of the slinky kernel and modules in the
> subsequent install?

Subsequent install? Not sure what you mean here. 

>   I've subsequently done the lilo install (chrooted in and ran
> lilo...to /dev/fd0)...but it's using the kernel from the disk and not
> your slinky one.

The kernel distributed on the 7.2 cd (2.4.7-10)?

>   Been fighting with that thing (and losing) for the last day....can't
> load the sbpcd.o module from within the install.

You mean you can boot the new install from the lilo floppy, but then you 
can't load the sbpcd module? Have you run depmod -ae? There was a bug in 
the initial release related to cdroms not being found after an install.
/dev/sbpcd0 should exist, right? /dev/sbpcd should exist and be a link to 
/dev/sbpcd0. If that's all true, 
insmod /psth/to/sbpcd.o sbpcd=0x230,1
_should_ work.

> I'm getting the strangest errors I've ever seen....much like Luie
> above...but probably even worse....and yet from slinky the module loads
> fine....that's how come I wasn't blowing my horn about the install.
>  Cause I can't really do anything with it without the cd....;-(

You could also update the kernel and see if that helps, as long as you 
are actually able to boot the system.

- -D 

- -- 

pgp key:  http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/pgpkey.txt
Red Hat Linux 7.2 in 8M of RAM: http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/rule/

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