[Rule-list] Testing netraider...

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Tue Mar 26 00:06:34 EET 2002


I just downloaded netraider-0.2b-rule.i386.rpm
from http://www.myopencountry.com/cgi-bin/view/Open/NetRaider

the usual rpm -Uvh fails because:

error: failed dependencies:
        libcrypto.so.0   is needed by netraider-0.2b-rule
        liblcms.so.1   is needed by netraider-0.2b-rule
        libssl.so.0   is needed by netraider-0.2b-rule

However, I do have openssl installed:

 rpm -qi --provides openssl

openssl = 0.9.6b-8

and haven;t found on rpmfind an rpm for liblcms.so

James, any comment?

On a related note, I asked on the konqueror-embedded list if they knew
about this mysterios i386 back-port of konq-e: the answer, referring
to the latest version, is that you can just compile with the proper
options and it should just work on a desktop. If James or anybody else
more skilled than me with makefiles and C debugging could try that
it would be great.

		Marco Fioretti
		RULE project leader

There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a
                -- Arthur C. Clarke

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