[Rule-list] Enabling swap early in vt2

Richard Kweskin rkwesk at mail.ariadne-t.gr
Sun Mar 24 02:16:00 EET 2002

Hello All

Not knowing what Devon writes below, I first tried partitioning as before but 
it insisted on including the swap partition to be reformatted and ultimately 
failed. Tried another tactic: deleted the swap partition leaving only two 
partitions for / and /boot mount points. Thus the list of partitions to be 
reformated did NOT include the partition already being used for swap. This 
time it made the same two warnings about hda being busy with the only option 
to press ignore and also pointed out that there was no swap. Told it to get 
on with it. After a bit it again twice showed the same busy warning but when 
told to go on, it did!

Of course, upon rebooting...

Might there be a swapoff procedure? If there is that could be done in vt2 
just before picking "ok" in vt1 for fdisk to commit.

On Sunday 24 March 2002 12:51 am, Devon wrote:

> 0.7.2 doesn't have the fset.py hack. That little gem is only in 0.7.1.
> You can copy the fset.py file from the 0.7.1 updates, and put it on your
> 0.7.2 updates disk, and it should work fine.
> All it really does is prevent the installer from exiting when it can't
> enable swap. Which, since it is already enabled in your case, is to be
> expected.


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