[Rule-list] Suggestion for modifying XFree86 and Tiny X

Bill Crawford rule at billemon.org.uk
Fri Mar 22 03:55:10 EET 2002

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Martin Stricker wrote:

> That really is a Good Idea (TM)! But let startx (or whatever) output a
> line like "To get to the X screen press [Alt] and [F7] (or whatever
> terminal) simultaneously!" so people know what's going on.
> <Thinking aloud>What if `startx` would take you to the X terminal while
> `startx &` (starting in background) would not?

 Regrettably, it's almost impossible.  X has to grab the hardware to
properly set itself up.

 You could possibly almost achieve what was suggested by putting a
"switchto 1" somewhere in a startup script so it switches back to a
console after the server is initialised, but that can be done w/o
changing the X server as such.  It should only take a small handful
of seconds to start the server and switch back (depends on how long
it takes to initialise the hardware, open the keyboard and mouse,
yada yada).

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