[Rule-list] Suggestion for modifying XFree86 and Tiny X

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 21 11:31:07 EET 2002

>From: Bill Crawford <rule at billemon.org.uk>
>  I don't quite see where you've got this hangup about the console and
>X ... you can switch away to the console anytime you want.  I do this
>often.  And it should behave more or less as you want.

Yeah, I know that I can do it anytime with <Ctrl><Alt><Fn>, but it just 
seems inconvenient sometimes when it takes control of the screen. But no big 
deal. I've changed my mind.

I still have bad memories from trying to run RH 6.0 on 486/66 with 24MB of 
RAM. It was so slow and difficult to install. It still gives me shivers. 
Even till this day, I still have difficulty installing and upgrading. I'd 
rather just reinstall the entire system.

Another thing that I was thinking about was the Mozilla project. They 
decided to load up only 5 fonts or something like that and let the rest of 
the fonts be loaded up as they were needed. The total amount of time spent 
loading all of the fonts would be increased, but there would be improvements 
for most people because they only needed those 5 fonts. I can't remember the 
exact facts, but it was something along the lines of saving time for most 

My whole point was to "fix" XFree86 to work for most people at little/no 
expense to the other users.

I could see now, that I was worried over nothing. So, I definitely thank you 
for your input.

>  If you "startx" and wait just a second or two, you should see the X
>background appear.

I'm pretty impatient at times, so 2 seconds is a long time for me. I'm 
learning to be better, though. When I first started this thread, I thought 
that it would be easy to fix with no consequences. Now I know better. Also, 
as I type this email and think back to first window manager, I seem to 
recall sitting there, and waiting for a while for Gnome to load up. Perhaps 
that is where the problem lies. :-) Hmm... ;-)

>  I wasn't too clear on what hardware you're using.  Are you very short
>of memory or is it just "slow" because of an older CPU?

Oh, my Linux box is a Pentium/180 with 64MB of RAM, and two hard drives 
totaling to over 1GB. It works really well for my simple needs. However, I 
try to remember the guys with slow systems because I don't want to force or 
encourage people to upgrade their hardware.

Once again, thanks to everyone.

On an unrelated note, is anyone receiving my email in html? I'd be horrified 
it that were true.

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