[Rule-list] Joining group

Devon devon at tuxfan.homeip.net
Tue Mar 19 06:48:01 EET 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 18 March 2002 07:04 pm, Martin Stricker wrote:

> Since you only have 8 MB and a 486 I recommend the use of slinky-0.1.5,
> it should work. There are currently two different installers available,
> both done by Devon: The anaconda-based miniconda, now at version 0.7.3,
> and the home-brewed-rescue-floppy-based slinky, now at version 0.1.5.
> Miniconda is proven to work with 12 MB (there was one success story at
> 8 MB, but mine went dead). Slinky is proven to work with 8 MB, maybe
> less.

Both done by Devon with a lot of help from this list, I'd say. :)
Also Brock Organ of Red Hat was quite helpful as well. He has provided me 
with some scripts he is/was playing with to feed to anaconda as updates. 
I'm just now beginning to play around with that option. (So many 
projects, so little time. )

And speaking of help...
Martin, I'm trying to get support into slinky for other keyboards. 
Busybox has a loadkmap command available. However, it wants a binary 
keyboard translation table. Thoughts?
Also, if you are still interested in helping out with documentation, 
slinky could use a proper step by step guide.

> I think network install is available with the latest version of both
> installers. There was an in-depth testing/discussion just hours ago,
> see the archives.

Slinky can't do a network install currently. At least not in any way that 
would be deemed user friendly. You do have ifconfig, rpm and wget 
available, so it may be possible if you modify the install script, and 
can get the network up.
Patches to the slinky scripts gratefully accepted. :)

- -D

- -- 

pgp key:  http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/pgpkey.txt
Red Hat Linux 7.2 in 8M of RAM: http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/rule/

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