[Rule-list] loop devices in installer

hairylarry at deltaboogie.com hairylarry at deltaboogie.com
Thu Mar 14 19:45:56 EET 2002


I mounted the disk1 iso from a dos format disk like this.

in fstab

  /dev/hdb1		/dos		msdos		defaults	0 0


  mkdir /dos
  mount /dos
  losetup /dev/loop0 /dos/disk1.iso
  mount /dev/loop0 -o loop /mnt/cdrom

At this link they have more info on this and some simpler syntax.


Here they do it without losetup on V7.0


I used a freeware dos program, cd2file from goldenhawk.com, to make the iso. 
They show how to do it with dd at the first link.

I'm gonna box up my 486 and play with this a while today. I'll keep you posted 
on my progress. If you get anything preliminary on this let me know and I will 
help test it.


Hairy Larry

If you get the loop devices installed and losetup available I will be glad 
to modify the script and then send it to you. You could then take my mods
and make them an option if everything tested out ok.


Hairy Larry

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