[Rule-list] RULE miniconda 0.1.1 test on PC #1

Devon devon at tuxfan.homeip.net
Wed Mar 13 03:09:12 EET 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 12 March 2002 07:12 pm, Martin Stricker wrote:
> Devon wrote:

> Your version might, but 0.1.1 doesn't... ;-)) I finnaly got tired of
> `swapoff /dev/hda1` ...

Correct, added between 0.1.1 and 0.1.2 when _I_ got tired of swapoff 
/dev/hda1. :)

> It first told me to [Ctrl][Alt][Del] to shut off power, but some
> seconds later this kernel panic appeared, and to shut off power I had
> to use the power button (ATX power supply, capable of auto-powerdown).

I'll make crtl-alt-del available to execute a clean shutdown.

> de-latin1-nodeadkeys (the preselection for German installer language in
> Anaconda text install, interestingly de-latin1 is preselection in X
> install, but I want my backticks ` and carrets ^ to appear instantly).
> That was the nice thing about modifying anaconda: All the
> internationalization was already there.

I haven't given up on the anaconda route. Brock Organ of Red Hat has 
shared some of his scripts, and it looks like there are some interesting 
possibilities. Expect something by next week. I've been bouncing around 
between different ideas just to see what is possible and what isn't.

> > Additionally:
> > The latest version no longer requires running several scripts.
> > Login, cd scripts, execute ./setup.sh.
> Do I read this correctly as "The installer now does the partitioning"?

Well, sort of. The installer asks which disk to install on (only a single 
disk is possible currently, and then only the first 4 ide devices) and 
then opens up your choice of fdisk or cfdisk from within the installer. 
So yes, it happens inside the installer. The user does have to do the 
actual partitioning. The installer then checks the results of the 
partitioning to be sure there is at least one partition for the root file 
system, and one for swap. Currently, it only wants to see a minimum of 2, 
and a max of 3 partitions.

> Wonderful! Cannot wait to test, but I'll go to bed now - 01:10 AM...

It's working now, just cleaning it up a little, editing the README file, 
finishing up the adding selectable options for networking, openssh,  etc.

- -D

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