[Rule-list] ideas about rule partitions

hairylarry at deltaboogie.com hairylarry at deltaboogie.com
Sat Mar 9 04:38:41 EET 2002


>From reading through the responses to my question about partition 
sizes I notice this.

swap - 64M
/boot - 16M
/ - the balance

Works for about any configuration that you could imagine running 

I have been running /boot at 10 meg. Is this subdir written to? It could 
be 8 meg would be enough. But that only frees 8 meg for apps or 

Similarly with a swap of 64M reducing swap isn't going to free a lot of 
disk space. 

So an auto partiton script for rule would not have to detect ram and 
hard drive size. It could just delete all existing partitons and then 
build the partitons listed above. (or a better tuned variant)

This is, of course, for a new rule install where the entire drive was 
going to linux. My guess, though, is that this will be most rule 


Hairy Larry

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