[Rule-list] miniconda v0.1.1 MACHINE #13

Devon devon at tuxfan.homeip.net
Sat Mar 9 21:52:32 EET 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 09 March 2002 02:08 pm, Gordon Buzowetsky wrote:

> Sorry...should have detailed a bit more....I then set the password
> manually, it did that with no complaints...then I must have missed
> something in the pivot_root business...I umounted manually and
> rebooted. The nifty lilo screen came up...graphic....and then the boot
> failed with something about not finding 'init'.

More likely what was missed is installing needed packages. I'm guessing 
one or more rpm installs failed. V0.1.2 will have error checking that 
should catch this and attempt a reinstall of the failed package.

> There were errors in the install at the beginning of the
> sequence...something about cannot find files or directories in /var it
> went by quite fast..and my aging memory is not like 20ys ago...no
> longer photographic...sorry just an aging 'homo sapien'...;-))

Hrmm, /var/lib/rpm ring a bell? Sounds like perhaps it couldn't 
initialize the rpm database. Every error you saw was probably an rpm 
package that didn't get installed.

> What I've got now is probably repairable...to get a running system. 
> I'll wait for a bit an see what ya think...

If you have time, could you try something for me?
This might work:

boot from the boot disk
from the initial shell:
mount /dev/[your / device]  /newroot
mount /dev/[your /boot device]  /newroot/boot
swapon /dev/[your swap device]
cd newroot
mkdir oldroot (it may exist already)
pivot_root . oldroot
chroot .
cd /root/scripts
nano base_install.sh
change the rpm command by adding:
- --replacepkgs (right after rpm -ivh should be fine)
to the rpm flags.
rm -Rf /proc
ln -s /oldroot/proc  /proc
rpm --initdb
rpm --rebuilddb

If any of the above produces an error, please make a note of it.
If there were no errors, you should be able to run:


If you see errors, please hit ctl-c and copy any errors you can.
If you see no errors, the install should complete.

If any errors point to files or directories not found, please do an 
'ls /path/to/problem/directory'.


- -D

- -- 

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