[Rule-list] browsers

Gordon Buzowetsky idesofmarch at sk.sympatico.ca
Fri Mar 8 04:12:05 EET 2002

> Here are some other linux browsers
> konq/e - development code for embedded systems
> dillo - gtk+ c code in development has a debian package * promising
> viewml - an embedded browser project viewml.com
> zen - modular browser that can write to linux framebuffer

  I've been using dillo quite a bit....it's not a real full featured thing
and doesn't do javascript at all.........but if you don't like looking at
pop-ups and don't need all the bell and whistles.........its good and
gonna get better....I think a real up and comer....and doesn't come with a
bunch of strings....the 600meg download for the source isn't hard to take

And believe it or not...for it's lightweight...will open MS .doc
files...after a fashion....;-))


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